Venue: – SBITM Campus
Beneficiaries: – Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff
Participants: – Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff
Arambh was organized on 4th Jan 2022. This event intended to create awareness about the objectives and the activities of the National Service Scheme among the second year students. In this event, 1st and 2nd year students were informed about the various activities conducted year round by the NSS unit of SBITM.
In this program only, the students were introduced to NSS, and its motto which goes as “NOT ME BUT YOU”. They were made aware of the objective of NSS. The students appraised and accepted the objective of the unit enthusiastically as they understood that NSS helps provide them an opportunity to have an interaction with the weaker section of the community and to apply their education in finding practical solutions to the problems of the community. The event succeeded in not only opening the eyes of the students’ to their blessings, but also made them aware of the ways they can contribute to the development of the society. And the impact of this program on the psyche of students could be easily seen by the great number of membership forms that poured in.