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Womens Day

Date  08/03/2022

Venue:- SBITM Campus

Beneficiaries:- UG and Poly students

Participants:- UG and Poly students and teaching & Non-Teaching Staff

Activities Performed:-

  • Essay writing competition
  • Poster Making competition
  • Rangoli competition
  • Prize distribution

Significance/need of the program:-

Keeping in view the growing imbalance in the man-woman ratio, we have to emphasize focusing on celebrating and welcoming girl child. To get rid of vicious social customs of dowry system responsible for killing of girl child, the status of women shall have to be enhanced.

The International Women’s Day was celebrated at SBITM campus on 8th March, 2022. The purpose of celebrating Women’s Day is – To raise awareness about the status and dignity of women among the students

An Drawing competition on Women’s day was been conducted in morning and many of the students had participated for that. It was interesting to know that boys have also participated for it. After the completion of Drawing competition, a short program was conducted in the multi- purpose hall of our college.